16th APRIL 2025
789.95ha (1952ac)*
This unique enterprise, located midway between Barraba and Manilla, has a proven history of production with major potential to ramp up irrigatable area and truly utilize the arable acres. Located within a stones throw of Split Rock Dam and with its own bunkhouse style accommodation and large woolshed it lends itself to many secondary income opportunities.
The country is predominantly undulating valley and creek country rising to timbered hills with rich red loam soils. There is approximately 900 acres of arable country with 450 of that currently in fallow. The remainder is is timbered grazing country. In recent years around 100 cows have been run in the timbered country with approximately 500 steers being grown from weaners to heavy feeders.
There is a 6 span Zimmatic centre pivot that irrigates 90 acres with water drawn from a licensed irrigation dam (323 megalitre unregulated license) and plenty of potential to expand on the irrigated area.
Fencing is in good order, 12km of new fencing. Large M&M Stockyards cattle yards with a covered working area are centrally located on the property.
If you are looking for a property to substantially lift your production, Oakhampton North is definitely worth an inspection.
Contact Charlie Hart 0428 658 457 or Tess Archer 0427 821 006 to make an appointment.
Charlie Hart
Tessa Archer
Hart Rural Agencies. Website by dms CREATIVE